Friday, May 20, 2016


   Well this is my last blog which is very sad however this journey has been very interesting and fun. For my final blog I wanted to recap all of the things I have gone over. Starting off with the oldest who are reliable and responsible. They love school and strive for perfection however they sometimes can be controlling. Also they do well in a career of science and can sometimes get to stressed out causing high blood pressure. Not to mention the relationships between siblings and their need to be the alpha in a romantic relationship. Moving on to the middle child that is very social and the peacemaker of the group. Another fact is they are more rebels than perfectionists and since they are stuck in middle the middle children are the most misunderstood. The youngest or "baby" of the family is the free-spirit and most out-going out of everyone. Unfortunately they have the hardest time in school and always need attention in the relationship. The only child are leaders and mature for their age and strive for perfection in school similar to the oldest child. They also need attention in any relationship they are in. I have learned so much from researching the different ways birth order affects those children. This I-search has taught me so much about the process of research and I am very glad to have been able to teach my audience  all that I can about birth order. I want to thank my audience for listening to my research on birth order and I hope that my research was eye-opening.


 Voo, Jocelyn."How Birth Order Affects Your Child's Personality and Behavior."Parents. Meredith
         Cooperation,n.d.Web.22 April.2016

Leong, Frederick."Birth Order Affects Career Interests Study Shows." Ohio State Research.n.p.04
     April,01 Web.29 April,16.

Schipani, Denise."How Does Birth Order Affect Relationships?" Woman's Day. Hearst
     Communications. 28 May,10.Web. 03 May,16.

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